Article: MF Fashion | Research and quality, the successful combination of independent retail

MF Fashion | Research and quality, the successful combination of independent retail
Research and product go hand in hand in the Et & Marianne concept store in Termoli, on the Molise coast, the multi-brand boutique founded by Palmira Sorgetti in 1982, now managed by her daughter, Marianna Potalivo. Two women who have managed to find a place in the sun in shopping in central-southern Italy by focusing on little-known brands, selected, exhibited and proposed by responding to the criteria of elegance and style that is never the same. [...] Today from Rome, Foggia, Pescara and beyond, the two partners conquer ladies of all ages with the Ultràchic collections , Liviana Conti, Tara Jarmon, Simona Corsellini, Odi et amo, Ash, Jeffrey Campbell and the new entry Orequo and Salce 197 , two young brands protagonists of a trunk show last July 25th.
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